Music Video Research - 'Touch it' by Ariana Grande

I found this video by a Youtuber called Gabi, who created this really intense cover video to Ariana Grande's song 'Touch It'. I'm not too into the song itself, but I love the idea of the music video and think that it's something that I would want to do; of course in my own way and not copying her video in any shape or form. I just like the idea of a simple lip singing video with smoke flying around and an intense back ground. I feel the song could really be anything that goes with the idea of the video, and this would be easy to do as well as only one person would be required to act. Even though this video is simple with just one person sitting there and singing, it will give me the opportunity to really show my technological and creativity skills using editing softwares, and this will also challenge me a bit as I would have to get quite a lots of different types of shots.
