Conventions of a Pop Music Video

I decided to do some research on some of the conventions that make up a pop music video to make it easier for me to understand what exactly are some of the things that I'm going to have to work towards to make sure the content that I am creating fits right into the category. 

  • Artists are clothes in fashionable, stylish and mainstream outfits (Back in the day it was not normal to see artists dressed as provocatively as they are seen now in music videos) 
  • They are portrayed as happy, enjoying and content with life.  
  • The lyrics are normally based around love or relationships.  
  • The music videos are often themed with bright and bold colors which are normally associated with postive vibes.
  • Hair and makeup is used to commuteate the artist's feelings, views and expresses a message, as it plays a major role in pop music videos (Back in the day hair and makeup was quite extreme compared to now a days) 

Some ideas that I have gathered for my own music video is that the people shown in my music video will be dressed according to the latest fashion trends and will have subtle to glam makeup and hair as seen now a days. I plan to film my music video in quite a jolly and uplifting way to add to the genre.
